Monday, December 13, 2010


I obviously haven't done a good job keeping up with this blog. Which makes me sad. My new year's resolution (one of them) is to keep up with out a schedule...get organized.

I'm spending my Christmas break in Memphis, TN with my lovely boyfriend, Geoffrey. He works during the day, and I get to stay home, chill out, and blog/paint/craft. It's good to have some me time. I think we're going to eat at my most favorite restaurant tonight, and I am pumped.

So for the next few weeks my world will look like this...

photos via we heart it.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


So...I've been trying to get really motivated to wake up early and get to work on the 1,000 things I need to get done this summer. But...I am NOT a morning person at all, so it's been tough. Here are some pretty pictures that should get me motivated. Also... I think a trip to Publix is in order...maybe yummy breakfast food will help me wake up!

Hope you have a fabulous morning tomorrow...

“Art is why I get up in the morning; my definition ends there. You know it doesn't seem fair, that I'm living for something I can't even define. And there you are right there, in the mean time.”
-Ani Difranco

Monday, June 14, 2010

first post + hipstamatic

First day of the week, first new appropriate!

I'm currently working on several furniture re-dos, but since those are all in-progress, I can't really post photos yet. Soooo...I'll just tell you about one of my recent obsessions. I have an iPhone, and normally, I don't go App crazy...untill now. I discovered the Hipstamatic app, and I am in love. I can take photos of the most random things (including dinner), and they look brilliant. So today I'll share a few of my photos with you!

I'm living at home for the summer, so most of these are taken in and around my home on the outskirts of Northport, Al. In the sticks...

Bedside table and ugly dresser from highschool. And my paper lamp. Which I LOVE.

Alarm clock and framed greeting card art by Mary Beth Shaw. Bought at Kentuck Festival of the Arts. Oh...and SEC Championship Cup. Roll Tide.
See Mary Beth's work here.
Find out more about Kentuck here.

Dinner. Fresh from our garden veggies and mac n cheese.

Breakfast room chair in front of the picture window.

My car. Yes...I need gas.

Rearview and white picket fence.

Sneak peek of furniture. This is a before image.

Front of my house.

New comforter and my mac. Workin on my blog, as you can see.

Be sure to comment and tell me which ones you like best! Send me your Hipstamatic photos to!
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